Sunday, February 15, 2009

Memories from Pat and Ed Pinegar

My memories of my dear friend Pat Nielsen are warm and tender and loving. She touched my heart and my life. She was always, in all situations, kind and loving, inclusive and friendly, willing and competent.

I first met Pat on the Primary Board. When I was sustained as Primary President I asked if a few of the board members from Michaelene’s board would remain and be our nucleus. She was one that helped us through our newness. We needed someone with a love for children and a love for music. One who knew that music is the best way to teach children the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She was that one.

Memories of Primary workshops, and Primary training, Primary board meetings, and Primary parties all include Pat and her many contributions. But beyond that, Pat is just a good woman. She is a wonderful mother, wife and friend. Ed and I don’t know all of the children well but we have a special fondness for Tricia. We named our last daughter Tricia also. Ed became acquainted with Tricia at the Institute and they became fast friends.

Since our Primary days Pat has been kind enough to help me with some of my Family History concerns. She and Kent have served so faithful as consultants and my, how I appreciated her help.

Ed and I express deep love for Pat and for you Kent. Thanks for being part of our lives and part of sweet memories.

Love, Pat and Ed Pinegar

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