Sunday, February 15, 2009

Remembering Pat from Elaine Fry

Sitting this morning listening to your family remembering aunt, mother and wife, I could not help but think about the many sweet moments that I have spent with Pat over the years. We often met at the edge of her yard or the edge of mine and caught up with what was new in each other's lives.

Today Earl commented that he associated Pat with sunshine. I think it was all of those times we have seen her planting marigolds in the spring or getting the flowerbeds ready for winter in the fall. We have missed her this past year and know that we will continue to miss her in the future.

I have always been annoyed that I am so short. I am the only short person in my family of origin. My sister is four inches taller than my 5'3". I never have felt conscious of being short though when I have stood talking to Pat or to Kent. They always have made me feel unconscious of anything but their warmth and friendship. One day as Pat and I were talking, she told me about meeting someone by chance who reminded her that the two of them had met years before. Pat paused and commented, "I don't know why it is that so many people that I meet only once or twice remember me." I smothered a chuckle and suppressed my grin. Pat was memorable just because of who she was, but even more memorable because she was a very attractive tall, blonde woman. I had no doubt in my mind why people met her once and remembered her. I know that I always will. She left her fingerprints of kindness on my soul.

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